Bee Aware
Disease identification

BeeAware is a hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity and pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Service Tasmania
Bee Hive Registration

Registering online takes about 10 minutes.

You must register as a beekeeper in Tasmania.
Detailed information about the conditions of registration can be found in the Tasmanian Beekeeper Registration document.
If you have more than 50 hives you must provide a declaration of Compliance with the National Bee Biosecurity Code of Practice.
Once you have registered you can use the online form to manage your details, de-register, and provide information about any hives destroyed.

Amateur Beekeepers Australia
Amateur Beekeepers Australia

The ABA was founded in 1954, to promote beekeeping as a hobby.

We currently have 35 affiliated clubs throughout NSW and beyond, providing information and support to over 4,900 amateur beekeepers.


Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
Bee Biosecurity

​​​​​​​Information on the importation of bees, honey and apiary products and diseases that infect bees.